Jersey Darts
New Jersey State Championship

501 Playing Rules and Format

Player must be a current NJ resident.
A valid driver license or proof of residency must be made available upon request.

The New Jersey State Championship of Darts will consist of two events namely: (a) Men’s Singles (b) Women’s Singles.

The deadline for registration and payment is Thursday January 23, 2025.

The draw for the singles will take place the night prior to the start of the event and posted on the official website .

Once the match has been called, each player is entitled to six (6) practice darts at the assigned match board prior to the match.

Early rounds are best of 11 legs, each 501, with a straight start and double finish.
Then Semi-finals shall be the best of 13 legs and the finals shall be best of 15 legs.

Throwing order:
Both players will shoot bull before the match begins to see who starts the match. The player on the bottom of the bracket will shoot bull first. The winner of the bull will start the odd games, the loser even games. The PDC bull rule is in effect.

*PDC Bull rule. Only single bull and double count. All darts are pulled. Alternate start if tie.

For the first round, the last drawn player on the assigned board will score the first match. Second round and on, losers of the previous match on that board will be forced to score. If they are not capable of scoring, they must find a substitute score keeper. If they refuse to score and they do not find a substitute, they are in risk of being banned for next years state championships.

**Any questions regarding the rules. Please email bob@jerseydarts.com

Association of Bergen County Dartists
Dart Player New York